Amid the international economic crisis, world leaders have called for a single world currency. This is prophetic since Revelation declares that in the last days no one will be able to buy or sell anything unless they have mark of the beast and for this to happen there needs to be a single world currency. More than ever the world is moving towards a one world currency and although it might take years to accomplish the time get every time more near for the fulfillment of all the prophecies of the Bible. This has been prophecied for many years and it is now becoming a reality. In the upcoming G20 summit leaders from Russia and other nations will propose the establishment of one currency for the entire planet. This will most likely be carried out by stages. As we know the currencies of the nations of the European Union (with the exception of the powerful UK Pound) have already been replaced by the Euro. Now Russia moves to establish a single currency over all the nations who were once part of the Soviet Union and Iran has called for a single currency to be established over all the Islamic nations of the Middle East. The unification of the economy, religions and gobernments is ongoing and the stage for the Anti-Christ is being completed in front of our very eyes.
More on the this subject here.