Wednesday, August 19, 2009


From Joel Rosenberg's flash traffic: Visit his blog by clicking HERE

* Russian president warns Israel not to strike
* Concern growing that Russia could attack Georgia again.

By Joel C. Rosenberg

(WASHINGTON, D.C., August 18, 2009) -- The Obama administration and the leaders of the G8 industrialized nations have given Iran a deadline of September to accept serious, high-level negotiations over its nuclear program or risk stiffer economic sanctions. Thus far, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his senior aides have rejected any negotiations with the "infidels." And the clock is running.

In that context, Israeli President Shimon Peres met with his Russian counterpart, President Dmitry Medvedev, in the Black Sea resort town of Sochi Monday. During the meeting, Peres expressed Israel's serious and growing concern about the state of the Russian-Iranian alliance, Russia's continued assistance to Iran's nuclear program, the extreme views of the Iranian regime, and the gravity of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons.

"The problem in Iran is not just the desire to develop nuclear weapons but the character of the regime," said Peres. "Mr. President, I am a Jew, and a large part of my family [from Belarus] was murdered by the Nazis and I cannot sit with my hands folded while I hear the declarations of the president of Iran calling for the destruction of the state of Israel."

"From my standpoint, a nuclear bomb in Iran's hands means one thing - an airborne death camp," Peres said.

Medvedev gave no indication that Russia intends to change it's policy towards Iran, though he reiterated Moscow's official policy that it does not want Iran to develop nuclear weapons. On Friday, however -- before Peres' arrival -- Medvedev publicly declared the Kremlin's opposition to more economic sanctions against Iran and then went further to warn Israel of the grave dangers of launching a preemptive strike against Iran's nuclear facilities.

It's too soon, of course, to know whether Iran will eventually agree to negotiations (perhaps to buy more time to complete its nuclear weapons development), or will stiff the West entirely. The Obama administration has pinned a lot of hope on the President's ability to persuade Tehran to "engage." We will see if he is successful.

In a separate but related note, there are growing concerns expressed by evangelical Christian leaders in Georgia that Russia may be preparing to attack the small democratic republic. More details and analysis are available on my weblog.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Hello everyone, it has been a long time since I wrote here but I would like to start writing more often. So I have configured blogger to work with mt phone so I can write from anywhere and I'm testing this feature right now as I write this.. in the next few days I will be writing about the connection I believe exists between the prophecy of Ezekiel regarding Gog and Magog with the events speculated to take place in 2012, more specifically the comet.

Monday, March 23, 2009

World Leaders Call for World Currency

Amid the international economic crisis, world leaders have called for a single world currency. This is prophetic since Revelation declares that in the last days no one will be able to buy or sell anything unless they have mark of the beast and for this to happen there needs to be a single world currency. More than ever the world is moving towards a one world currency and although it might take years to accomplish the time get every time more near for the fulfillment of all the prophecies of the Bible. This has been prophecied for many years and it is now becoming a reality. In the upcoming G20 summit leaders from Russia and other nations will propose the establishment of one currency for the entire planet. This will most likely be carried out by stages. As we know the currencies of the nations of the European Union (with the exception of the powerful UK Pound) have already been replaced by the Euro. Now Russia moves to establish a single currency over all the nations who were once part of the Soviet Union and Iran has called for a single currency to be established over all the Islamic nations of the Middle East. The unification of the economy, religions and gobernments is ongoing and the stage for the Anti-Christ is being completed in front of our very eyes.

More on the this subject here.

Monday, March 16, 2009

David Wilkerson Sends an Urgent Message

David Wilkerson wrote an urgent message on his blog a few days ago, I recommend you read it, click here for the link to his blog.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Obama Offers New Proposition to Russia

President Obama sent a letter on Tuesday (March 3rd, 2009) to the president of Russia suggesting a halt in the Eastern Europe Missile Defense Program if Russia, in turn, helps stop the development of Iran's long range missiles.

This is a bold, diplomatic move that Obama is trying to carry out as it invites Russia, who strongly opposes the Missile Defense (saying they could be used to attack them), to pressure Iran to stop its development of long-range missiles. There are no details whether this new deal would also ask Russia to put more pressure on Iran also to stop making nuclear weapons. But it is a very important occurrence and it's prophetic as by the Bible Russia and Iran will form a strong alliance before the war of Gog and Magog but this deal with President Obama would weaken their alliance, meaning the war is further away. So this development is definitely something that needs to be closely watch as it develops. The President of US and Russia are to meet next month in the G-20 economic summit in London.

Monday, February 2, 2009

A Word of Encouragement for Times of Uncertainty

There are many out there saying that the President has already broken many of his promises and his latest decisions have been controversial for many. Some of these include:

- The closing of the Guantanamo detention center.
- Obama's determination to meet face to face with Iran's president.
- The promotion of lobbyists to high places of power in Washington after he had promised to fight that.
- The discouragement to use the term 'war on terror'.
- His push to pass a massive spending bailout plan which have left doubts in many and other consider the single most massive government takeover of the private sector in the history of the United States.

This is bringing fear especially to those who had hoped the new president would bring hope and real change to Washington and America and are disappointed by his latest actions. But the Word of God tells us clearly that:

5 This is what the Lord says:
“Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans,
who rely on human strength
and turn their hearts away from the Lord.

Jeremiah 17:5 (NLT)

Many people have looked up to Obama as the savior and the one that would bring and end to America's problems, and that is in itself a problem. Our eyes should be put on heaven and our hope in Jesus as He is the real answer to our problems. How long until America realizes that our salvation comes from God and not men? When we finnally realize this, we will see real change.

However, don't be discouraged as Paul wrote to his letter to the Romans Chapter 13:

1 Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. (NLT)

So put your burdens on Christ and know that after all God is in control of everything. But also pray so that America turns its heart back to God so that He may have mercy of our country.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Jesus warns us that in the end of age things like these will happen:

“Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
Matthew 24:29 (NKJV)

Obviously we see some sings here in the heavens. Something will have to happen in space for these signs to appear. A possible change is coming to our solar system in the year 2012. It is believed something (some say a planet, others say its a comet) will come into our solar system and that something will either hit earth or pass by closely. I don't think this celestial body will hit earth, but i do think that it will cause these sings that Jesus was talking about in the heavens to show up. Also, the word "comet" and "2012" is found in the bible code. (for more on this topic visit: This upcoming even in the year 2012 could also be in another prophecy in the bible which I will discuss in another blog.

The book of Revelation, chapter 8, also speaks of a comet impacting earth:

7 The first angel sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up.

8 Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood.

9 And a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water.

The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter.

12 Then the fourth angel sounded: And a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did not shine, and likewise the night. (NKJV)

If Apostle John's visions in the book of Revelation were written in the order in which they will occur, this comet will come after other sings including: a great earthquake, the sun turning black and the moon turning red and the disappearance of islands and mountains (Rev 12:12). But also in order in Revelation these things happen before the Anti-Christ rules the earth. Some say the book of Revelation was not necessarily written in order of events, so some things in the book that are written in the later chapters could actually happen before. Either way we have to be prepared, most importantly spiritually, knowing that we have an eternal life in Christ Jesus and He will protect us from the things to come as He promised:

John 16:33 (NKJV) These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Accept Jesus as your personal savior, confessing your sins to Him and you will have the assurance of eternal life.

John 3:16: 16 (NKJV) For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Here's the prayer of salvation, or if you prefer you can make your own prayer in your own words, either way Jesus is just looking for an honest and pure heart

Dear Lord,
I admit that I am a sinner. I have done many things that don’t please you. I have lived my life for myself. I am sorry and I repent. I ask you to forgive me. I believe that you died on the cross for me, to save me. You did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life, I give it to you. Help me to live every day in a way that pleases you. I love you, Lord, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with you.


You can see this prayer and suggestions on what to do next as a follower of Jesus here. Or, if you leave in South Florida we invite you to our church (Hispanic with translation to English available)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1. End of the Age and End of the World

These two statements refer to different events. When referring to the second coming of Christ, people often say it's "the end of the world". That is simply not true by Bible standards. The second coming of Christ will actually happen at the end of time. But isn't that the same thing as the end of the world? The end of the world is actually at least more than 1,000 years from now. How? The answer is in the last book of the bible, Revelations chapter 20. Here, the apostle John sees an angel descend from heaven with a huge chain to put Satan away in the abyss "until the thousand years were ended". These are the thousand years of the reign of Christ on earth with His capital in Jerusalem. Then after the thousand years:

"7When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison 8and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. 9They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. 10And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever." (NIV)

Then comes the end of the world in Revelation 21:

1Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." (NIV)

So, really, the end of the world is more than 1,000 years away. Now, the End of Age, although it won't be the definitive end of the world, it will sure be close to it.

The end of the age ends when Jesus Christ returns to earth to fight in the battle of Armageddon when all the enemies of Israel have risen against it and have it surrounded and He defeats them with a mighty host of angels and sets free the nation of Israel. Then Jesus establishes His new kingdom in Jerusalem to then reing for 1,000 years.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Where do I get my information from?

Well, my information comes mostly from two sources. The Bible and current world events and prophecies. And also from other internet websites, which I will link as I refer to things from them.

Why the Bible? because Bible prophecy is extremely accurate, the only reason why sometimes they seem to be inaccurate is because some people don't know how to interpret them. For example, someone might interpret a specific prophecy one way and someone else might come and interpret it in a completely different way. The prophecy, however, is always the same, and always true. It is the interpretation that can be good or wrong. There are many sites that explain what makes bible prophecy so special. This is a very good video about the Bible:

What is the point of this blog?

Many people ask the question what is the last days? or when is it going to be the end of the world? Does anyone know? Does God exist? Which religion is right? etc... In this blog I will be discussing these issues.

You will probably want to know where I'm getting my information from, with so many people saying so many things, how do you know who to believe in? Who can you trust?